Title Sequence

The Context

In all of its varied versions and formats, show business is one industry where the femme fatale rules the roost. This web series by Applause Entertainment has a female protagonist who seems to have a lot more to teach than what she does at school and signals umpteen sweet promises with a tarty undertone, making her as desirable as a raunchy raspberry. The Frame Game team had a field day titling it to fruition, thus raising both hopes and heartbeats.

The Concept

The lady is a charmer with a dignified persona that makes her even more attractive. She is not intentionally provocative but can evoke a thousand sighs and launch many more ships, calling out to step in and be a breeze or a tornado as she wishes. Maintaining a sense of libido and yet not going overboard, the series and thus the titles leave the viewer begging for more.

The Craft

The title sequence is a saucy flight one’s mind takes when an oomphy Rasbhari crosses its path. From the moment she steps out into the world and traverses to her destination, she has hordes of boys-to-men eating out of the palm of her hand or wherever she chooses. All these are remarkably mixed with chalkboard graphics and a song that lifts and drifts all through. Original shots are used along with tell-tale chalky doodles and slick brushstrokes.



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